Thursday, 6 December 2007

The Blogscars-Best Design

Réka's Whisper got the best design prize in the Blog Awards yesterday!
I would like to say thank you for the appreciation and for the bonus point as well! (It will be useful I can tell...)
Have a successful examination period for everyone!


Zsuzska said...

Congratulations! And thank you for the wishes for the exams. ;)I'll need them.

Anonymous said...

Huha, nagyon furcsa, veletlenul talaltam ra a blogodra, ugyanazokat a szineket hasznalod, ugyanaz a nevunk, filmek, zenek, fotozas...
Nagyon furi mikor ilyen veletlenek fordulnak elo...

G.Réka said...

Tényleg? Vethetnék akkor esetleg egy pillantást a tiédre is? :)