Time passes rapidly...an old man would say that with a sigh. How often do we think back to our childhood? Do we think about it at all? What would be if you had a chance to turn back the time for a couple of hours? It can happen.
I was standing on the bus station in the morning as usual, waiting for the autobus to take me back to Pécs. But something happened, something unexpected which broke my daily routine, and it made the magic started that time. The bus broke down somewhere before it had reached the station. There was no other way to leave the city before the afternoon. The morning seminar was definitely missed.
I went back home with a new alternative plan for the day. First, the idea was weird that finally, I would end up in another educational establishment. I set forth to visit my Mom on her workplace. Thirty minutes later, I was standing in an empty hall of the building, listening to children shout and laugh from everywhere, the atmosphere amazed me right away. I hadn’t been in the Nursery for ages.
Children took me in their world after a few minutes I stepped through the threshold of the room. I had to assess there is not such a big distinction between the original plan (University) and the new destination (Day-care). Let me explain. We were sowing wheat seeds in a huge tile to find out, what will happen with them. It is like an agriculture endeavour during the botany seminar. Birthday celebration was made with cake and singing, just like surprise birthday party in dormitory with food, drink and music. We were drawing with pencils surrounded by the Easter-Spring-eggy-bunny decoration as art tutorial class, making sketch, playing tig outside, in the garden, running for catching each other, felt like in a sports faculty for extra 2 credits. I realized only vivid colours, sunshine, tiny new friends and full of life around me, but I had to grow up again as quickly as I had become a child before.
On my way back home, I felt something heavy in my pocket. It was a nice yellow stone,a magic rock, a present I’ve got. I started to laugh, after an idea came in my mind: what if someone asks me about the new piece of my stone-collection...’I’ve got from my new nursery-mate today in the kindergarten!’